One would be right to guess it all started somewhere during high school; it took many years, forms, soundscapes and mistakes but somehow it's still there:
Punk Rock.
Wether it was called 'Uptake', 'Asshole', 'The Belmount Choke' or 'Midnight Shift' and that those amalgamations of words don't mean shit to any of you actually reading this, it is now called THE SOBER DAWN and, without any pretentions, they are simply still around for one (good) reason: bring the 'Rock' back in 'Punk Rock'... Even if they have to play 200 shitty gigs and, please excuse the author, a few fucking amazing shows.
To best describe them sonically, words are somewhat useless unless they are used in a tagline such as 'sometime-an-assault-on-all-your-senses-and-sometimes-we-throw-in- some-shivers-down-your-spine'. Yes, even that still feels kind of awkward.
They are not here to reinvent the wheel but they don't seem to be willing to let the punk rock rulebook limitate their possibilities as songwriters.
Jean-Francois Desgroseilliers
for booking :
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Dirt Cannon, Test Your Might, The Prestige, The Sober Dawn, Something Tall & invités
23 juillet 2011
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CISM 89,3
Mercredi, 20h00 à 21h00
Mercredi, 21h00 à 23h00
Noise Project
CHYZ 94,3
Mercredi, 21h30 à 23h00
Fastrack Punk Radio !
Jeudi, minuit à minuit
Jeudi, minuit à minuit
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