Alyson has beginning its career in 2006, the name comes from our friend, Alyson, which are to die to commit suicide this year, This girl has always to like our music and this is why in the form of its name, we pay homage to him if one wants, the influences of the group are: Greeley Estates, BlessTheFall, Dropdeadgeorgeous. All that is good, and which touches the indy... The group is compos of Gab has the guit, Franck has the bass like matt with the drum then Jimmy with the keyboard and vocal, We have on foot for moment 4 song does not have, and it is what completes the bio of the group.
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Les Deux Snoozes
CJMD FM 96,9
Jeudi, 18h00 à 20h00
CKMN 96,5
Jeudi, 19h00 à 21h00
Du Punk Au Presbytère
CH2O 103,1
Jeudi, 20h00 à 22h00
Trinite Radio
Jeudi, 20h00 à 22h00
CFOU 89,1
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