Human Carnage

  • Région:
  • Style de musique:
    Hardcore & Métal
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Even thought they have been playing music together since early high school, Dan and Goof had to wait until the end of '99 to start a band. After an all-night-long jam session in a Christmas party on december 23 of the year 1999, Human Carnage was finally born. The original line-up (Dan - drums and vocals, Goof - bass and vocals, Spike - lead guitar, Felix - lead vocals) remained unchanged for 3 years. Meanwhile the band gained speed, technique and fierceness. A first demo called 'Sang Espoir' was produced during summer of the year 2003. Six months after the album had came out, a second guitarist joined the formation. With the arrival of LP, HC thought they finally had their official line-up. But a succession of timing conflicts and differences of music style among the group forced many changes in the band.

First of all, at the end of 2003, Felix who lived far from Granby and had a difficulties to be lifted over here to practice with the band, was forced to leave, followed not so long after by Spike. That's when two friends of the band jumped in the group. Alex brought a different touch to HC with a loud, kick-ass hardcore vocal. The other guy called V-8 came to take Goof's place on the bass...Goof becoming the new guitarist instead of Spike.

With all these changes, the band had no choice but to take a second start with new songs and a different style. But as things went on, the two new members of the band (Alex and V-8) realized that they were more into hardcore scene, while Goof, Dan and L-P were playing more and more brutal and faster over the time. That's when the last change in the line-up occured. The band really looked for musicians in to death metal scene as much as they were. They finally chose Phil, with his busting vocal that suited perfectly the band's low, agressive style and Rob who learned the bass part at and amazing speed.

Now after 6 years of complications and the loss of 4 members, HC has finally found the sick, twisted gore sound they were looking for.

Now lock up your children and arm yourself to the teeth cause the Carnage is about to start...!

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Bar-Coop L'AgitéE, Québec

Chez Dave dans l'champ, Notre-Dame-du-Bon-Conseil

  • Mononc' Serge & Anonymus, Fuck The Facts, Human Carnage, Deadly Pale, Strigampire, Les Rotteux

    21 juillet 2009


Bar Le Trash, Saint-Hyacinthe


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