A Dove's Tear first started as an acoustic band, having only two members : Emily and Seb. After a couple of shows and a little demo, they decided that they wanted to have a band heavier, with drums and bass. Time passed and Alex joined on the bass as the youngest member, and their team grew stronger. The music became serious to them, and after three years with Jass as the drummer, they took different ways... Jo, Seb's older brother came in and the band started this way.
Yes, we are a live band! We are ready to play anywhere, at any time, and even tour if possible!! PLEASE COME AND CHECK US LIVE before judging us, if you want to make yourself a true idea... Concerning our songs, we just want to say we actually don't have access to any REAL studio, so it is very hard to record properly what we're doing. All you can hear on this page is recorded in our own HOME STUDIO, and all is done by ourselves. (Instruments, vocals and mixing stuff) We are learning more everyday and we try to improve in every song.
A dove's Tear is a band that tries to create something new, not only in their music and on stage, but also Outside of it... Maybe the world is not going perfectly well... And the ones directing it lying about it. The band members are singing for animal liberation, the protection of the planet Earth, and others causes that could bring peace in the world. Why not!? Thank you for supporting us.
Stay in Light, A Dove's Tear
---> _ Ça va pas très bien dans le monde... Essayons d'encourager les gens à rester dans la lumière! Gênez-vous pas de nous contacter pour quoi que ce soit, et on est prêts à donner des shows!
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A Dove's Tear - Festival de la relève
A Dove's Tear - Blue Earth (Acoustic)
A Dove's Tear - Six years
Lundi, 18 août 2008
Nous écrivons rapidement ce blog pour annoncer que nous avons (FINALEMENT !!!) un CD disponible, prêt à être vendu! Trois chansons LIVE au Magog (Sher...
En savoir plusLundi, 24 mars 2008
Encore enregistrée dans notre Studio-Maison, on a sorti une nouvelle version de Meaningful Life, toune chantée au Lead par Seb. On s'améliore encore ...
En savoir plusLundi, 31 décembre 2007
Un démo de Blue Earth est mainenant disponible, ça vous donnera une idée... Des meilleures versions de nos tounes s'en viennent, on redonne des nouvel...
En savoir plusSamedi, 14 juillet 2007
On s'est finalement décidés à mettre des versions Démos de nos tounes sur Myspace! Gênez vous surtout pas d'aller voir, et donnez-nous vos commentaire...
En savoir plusAucun tweet à afficher
Fastrack Punk Radio !
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Uturn Radio
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Radioweb www.zoneados.biz
Radioweb www.zoneados.biz
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