Slam Disques - Oktoplut - Pris en hiver ( Lyrics video )
Oktoplut - Pris en hiver ( Lyrics video )
Basterds - Ruthless Waters ( Official Videoclip )
No? Talbot - Remercier les accidents ( Lyrics Video )
Thick Glasses - MVP (Lyrics Video)
Oktoplut - Sommeil (Lyrics Video)
Ce label est un ?chec - Saison 2 - Ep13 - Rundown
Paul Cargnello - L'amour est pour les courageux (Lyrics video 360...
Ship of Fools - Cut Your Teeth (Lyrics Video)
Ship of Fools - Open For Business (Lyrics Video)
Ship of Fools - Consequences (Lyrics Video)
EXTERIO - La Trace ( Lyrics Video )
Ce label est un ?chec - Saison 2 - Ep12 - Rundown
Ship of Fools - Status Quo (Lyrics video)
Ce label est un ?chec - Saison 2 - Ep11 - Rundown
Bobby Ramone - Today One Love & Tomorrow the World
Bobby Ramone - Kaya Bop (Lyrics Video)
Bobby Ramone - Is This Love Kills (Lyrics Video)
Bobby Ramone - Glad to See You Cry (Lyrics VIdeo)
Bobby Ramone - Jamming Affairs (Lyrics Video)
Bobby Ramone - Three Little Surfin' Birds
Canal Vox
Samedi, 16h30 à 17h00
Punk Plus
Samedi, 18h00 à 19h30
Le Brutal Show
CH2O 103,1
Samedi, 18h00 à 20h00
Canal Vox
Samedi, 22h00 à 22h30
Dimanche, minuit à minuit
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