Crooked Jacks - Crooked Jacks - 5 or 6
Crooked Jacks - 5 or 6
Bellevil live
New Cities Q&A Part 2
Special Ops on Tour Now!!! Coming to a City Near You!
3D Kids - I love video games
Steve Hill and The Majestiks - Even
Steve Hill and The Majestiks - The Terrible One
Steve Hill and The Majestiks - Nasa Made
Fiction in Motion - VLOG (19-04-2010) Polyvalente Pointe-Levy
Fiction in Motion - VLOG 2 (19-04-2010) Polyvalente Pointe-Levy
Fiction in Motion - VLOG 3 (19-04-2010) Polyvalente Pointe-Levy
These Silent Waves lancement d'album
Behind the Revoler - Stagnant Water live@Agité Qc city
Gerbia-Qc city2010-bar octobre-
Danny Rossi (ONE) Interview with Jason Saulnier - Good Time Metal...
Salmonhell - L'Hysteriose
Asian Bomb Chicks -
Grimskunk - Psychedelic Wonderdrug
Grimskunk - Le Gouvernement Songe
Grimskunk - Vive le Quebec Libre
Canal Vox
Samedi, 16h30 à 17h00
Punk Plus
Samedi, 18h00 à 19h30
Le Brutal Show
CH2O 103,1
Samedi, 18h00 à 20h00
Canal Vox
Samedi, 22h00 à 22h30
Dimanche, minuit à minuit
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